Christian testimonies: The developments of the return to Kosi bay
Updated: Apr 11, 2024
I would like to greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The journey in Kosi bay is developing as we go and the more time we spend here the more God is revealing new things to us all. Before I begin my thanks goes out to the people that the Lord has prepared for us in this journey both now and in the age to come. Now let's go into the story.
A walk with the cross and supper at the Geise home
It had been a fruitful week that saw me and the Cronje’s seeking the Lord for what He had in store for our assignment. As we began to search ourselves, we resolved during the course of the Passover weekend that we would dedicate our time to going on a "Luke 10" mission in the town of Manguzi.
Yolandi dropped me and Henri in the heart of the town which was slightly busy with people moving to and from their homes to town. Most of the people that we were expecting to meet where in our opinion non church going people since this was actually the peak period of the church service.
Our pulpit however is a very mobile one which Jesús used often when he went to the tax collectors as well as the outcasts of the Jewish community. As we began to walk we faced several challenges. One man was speaking Swahili which is foreign to both Henri and I and somehow we had to use an app on Henri's phone to interpret for us. Then later on along the road we shared the gospel with a man sitting by the roadside. Initially he wanted to debate with us but eventually he began to see that our reason for meeting him was to prepare him for the message of the Kingdom of God which was available to all.
Just a stone’s throw away, we met two men sitting down. We greeted them both in Zulu and then handed them each a gospel track before giving them a booklet with the book of John. Then the one man said his eyes were unable to read the small print. We laid our hands on him and when we asked him to read the print he began to read the letters clearly. A miracle. That is what the man said.
As we allowed the cross to lie next to some pillars, the unthinkable happened. The wind blew the cross tro the ground breaking it into two pieces. We both stopped trying to come up with a solution to put the cross together. All our plans failed. Maybe this was a test. To see if we would go further. Making up our minds we continued on our journey.
We were not far from Spar Manguzi until we stopped by two Zulu speaking men selling their merchandise by the roadside. They offered us a seat and we began sharing a tool called the three circles with them. I did the translating while Henri did the presentation with a small white board and a black marker. It was amazing how the gospel suddenly opened up to these two men.
We journeyed afterwards to a stone's throw from home and Yolandi gave us a lift home. Later that day, we went to the Geise home where Phillip a missionary friend of ours was staying. Being in the presence of him and his wife and four children was a heartwarming experience. On that day, James a local man who was staying with him and his little daughter were also present. Now I must admit a warm meal after a long days walk is something that one cannot say No to. I really enjoyed the best of Afrikaans cuisine. Well the evening was capped off with a Bible study that led to a hym and prayers.
It is a miracle that we have been blessed to see such events unfold in front our very eyes. Not so long ago it seemed as though Kosi bay was not going to happen and yet against all odds we made it. I pray that our story has been one to cherish. Until next time its goodbye for now.