Christian testimonies : The family reunion
Greetings to you all. I hope and trust that as we enter the new year God has been good and faithful to you. Over the remainder of the year a lot has happened. My good friends Marc and Carly found their way to Indonesia. The De Beer family will be joining them soon. My other family in Christ, the du Preez and the Niemans made a trip to Esawathini and made a lot of fruitful interactions while they were there meeting up a German man and also praying for several people there. As for me, I was joined by my cousin in a story I will narrate shortly.
The family reunion
It has been a while since I last saw some of my family members. It was emotional to meet my cousins and aunties whom i had last seen over a decade ago. Apparently, my cousin had also come back and with him was his wife and newborn baby. It was a joyful moment to celebrate not only my homecoming but also the introduction of the newest member of our family.
The occasion was filled with a lot of entertainment as the presenter was never short of words to keep the people laughing as they listened to his humor. I got a turn to speak and give a short speach. It was in that moment that i decided to share my testimony and to share the gospel.
I must admit it was a blessing sharing a word on the gospel and what touched me was when the song Goodness of God was played to close off the occasion..
In as far as the year has gone, I have been blessed with knowing God personally. I have had the privilege to be part of His family. I have met a lot of good people along the way. I believe that the journey is still ongoing. I am yet to see the best of what the Lord can do.
For the people who are blessed enough to read this to the end, I pray that this article was a blessing. Let us remember to pray always for ourselves as well as for each other.
All the best for the new year.
Transforming blog - thank you!!