Christian Testimony: The last Sunday in Sutherland
Its a brand new week and in this coming week we start a brand new month. It is difficult to believe that just yesterday we had just joined our newfound family in Christ, here in Sutherland and since then have labored among our fellow brethren against all odds. Perhaps, I must concede to the fact that life is much like a vapor, under the illusion of thinking you have it, it slips through your fingers.
The day started off very cold and to be honest my knees couldn't help shaking even though I had chosen to wear half of my wardrobe to church. My mind was feeling a little uneasy about what I would say to the congregation, in my scheduled sermon. Maybe, there would be a small crowd by God's grace but I have learnt over the months to calm my nerves. On arrival, we noticed that the children's ministry had already began and so we all sat inside watching the children fellowship with one another. Interestingly enough, there were regulars in this particular group and each received a reward after the service as a token of appreciation from the teacher.
My best moment in the children's ministry was when they sang along to Vineyard kids song, Hop on the bus. They had this whole routine where they circled around the church, each one with one hand to the rope, waving and singing at the same time, pretending to be on the bus. I must admit that moment was for me, one for the archives. When my time came to share the sermon, my heart felt a little bit at ease after listening to the gospel songs and saying my prayers. It was amazing how a topic about love from 1 John 3, can lead up to sharing a testimony about the prodigal son and how God through His Son, Jesus, rescued us not only from the eternal punishment of hell but also set us up to inherit eternal life. I didn’t mind the fact that I was preaching to a small audience because I knew that it would be worthwhile even if the message was for one person.
In the end, the sermon ended with a worship song and we had to rush home to prepare for our farewell dinner that would take place later that evening. It was indeed, too chilly day a to prepare food outside although it offered us an opportunity to fellowship with one another. As the famous lamb stew cooked away in our silver aluminum pot, we sat together sharing and discussing lessons learned from walking with Christ. It was not long before the night came and it was time for supper. Tian and Elmi had completed a successful mission of serving us with some of the best lamb stew we have ever had. I was joking with the people in attendance, stating that it would be almost impossible to have stayed as long as we had stayed in Sutherland and had never had a taste of lamb.
It was sad that this would be our final weekend in Sutherland and that is perhaps one of the most difficult parts of the journey. When you get to meet people for a short time only to continue our pilgrim's journey to another place.
Well that is the story from about the last Sunday in Sutherland, I hope this is blessing to someone. Until next time. God bless you all.