Christian testimonies: It's back to Johannesburg once more
Updated: Jul 31, 2024

Greetings to all the readers on our blog. I would like to make a special mention to all the people that I met in Kosi bay. I am also thankful for the memorable times that I had in that one small village in Manguzi as well as the Cronje family. But without further ado I just want let us begin to paint the strokes on this blank canvas.

A taxi ride from Kosi bay to Johannesburg
On my last evening at Kosi bay I recall playing my last worship songs on the antique piano that stood at the corner of the doorway where I was staying at the time. Not long after it was supper time with the Cronjes. Nothing beats the Cronje cuisine at their special table right by their caravan.
I was sad that I would be leaving for Johannesburg. But my heart was warmed by Henri’s and Lian's guitar as we created some worship melodies to accompany the acoustics. Then we had supper followed by some worship songs before retiring for the night.
The next morning I woke up. It was pitch dark and Henri accompanied me to the taxi rank. We had an interesting conversation on our way there. Eventually we arrived at the taxi rank and there I was the first to arrive. I gave Henri a big hug and tucked away my luggage waiting to depart.
It would be a nine hour marathon drive before I arrived. I recall the deja vous moment at Piet Rétif were God had delivered us by a miracle in our journey when we had to stay there for a bit. Wow that was memorable.
It wasn't long before I was in Johannesburg to the sound of the buzzing horns of the taxis at MTN taxi rank. I have to say that it was a transition from the loud sounds of the rhinos to the hooting of cars rushing to take people home.

What has happened so far
It has been quite a journey so far. I witnessed a miracle one day when I was at one mall and I had been looking to buy one or two things at a supermarket. Then my eyes immediately noticed a man who seemed to be in serious pain struggling to get to his car. His lady friend seemed to be helping him to find his balance. Then I casually approached him and asked him if I could pray for him. Now that wasn’t my initial intent by the way. So it had to require some courage to walk up to this man.
Initially he was in two minds about his response and even his lady friend thought it wasn’t a good idea. Now somehow he agreed and well after a prayer the man's pain was gone. The man was in shock and almost broke down in tears.
Not long after that I bumped into a Nigerian man named Amen. Now I had never heard or knew of anyone with such a name. But anyway I bumped into him at one bank. Now his face was showing signs of hurt. So I asked him if everything was OK and he said he was fine. After a casual conversation he opened up about the death of his father and how he had been persecuted for being a believer in his family. Now his family like many African families have strong foundations in ancestral worship. So I shared the gospel with him and while we spoke I told him that God would use this situation at the funeral to allow him to share the gospel with his brother and sister.
After the conversation he began to cheer up. We parted ways but I believe that our conversation was a divine appointment. I pray for Amens family.
Now, I have to be honest life in Johannesburg is for me such a rush. Yet there is so much fruit. Yes low hanging fruit. Hopefully I will return to the tranquility of Manguzi to continue with the work that has already began there. We give God all the glory. I am keen to use whatever time I have to make disciples here in Johannesburg. I hope that you keep me in your prayers.
Until next time. May the Lord bless you.